Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Love Triumphant

Lovely news. People's Frienhd have accepted my latest pocket novel entitled Love Triumphant. It's due for publication on May 17th.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

A Chance Encounter

Lovely news. My Pocket Novel A Chance Encounter has been accepted in Large Print. I'm really looking forward to seeing it published. I'll keep you posted when it comes out.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Second Time Around - My Weekly Pocket Novel

Second Time Around - My Weekly Pocket Novel

Three women of different generations live together. Elise, her teenage daughter Angie, and her mother in law Joan. When property developers express an interest in some of Joan's land and their farm shop goat butts an important visitor, life really does get interesting.

Heart Of The Matter - People's Friend Pocket Novel

Out today Heart Of The Matter - People's Friend Pocket Novel.

Georgia Jones is left in charge of the family mini cab company while her parents are in Australia. When Dominic Talbot leaves his briefcase in the back of one of their cabs it leads to a chain of events she never envisaged.